0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Mary Baker Eddy


1875 & 1910 Textbooks
Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures ~ 1910 Final Ed.
Key to Scriptures
available later
cancer healed



  	    I was a great sufferer for many years from internal
30	cancer and consumption. I was treated by the best of
 1	physicians in New York, Minneapolis, and Duluth, and
  	was finally given up as incurable, when I heard of Chris-
 3	tian Science. A neighbor who had been healed of con-
  	sumption, kindly loaned me Science and Health by Mrs.
  	Eddy, which I read and became interested in. In three
 6	months' time, I was healed, the truth conveyed to me by
  	this book being the healer, and not only of these diseases,
  	but I was made whole mentally as well. I have not been
 9	in bed one day since, or rather in eleven years. I have
  	had many good demonstrations during this time, have
  	passed through many a "fiery trial," but this blessed truth
12	has caused me to stand, at times seemingly alone, and
  	God was with me. 
  	    I will mention a demonstration of painless childbirth
15	which I have had since coming to Idaho. Perhaps it may
  	help some sister who is looking through the Journal for
  	a demonstration of this kind, as I was before my baby
18	came. Good help being scarce here, I did my housework
  	up to the time I was confined, and was in perfect health. 
  	I awoke my husband one morning at five o'clock, and at
21	half past five baby was born, no one being present but
  	my husband and myself. It was quite a surprise to the
  	rest of the family to see me sitting by the fire with ...
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